Holy State University offers studies for any accredited accelerated educational degree: accelerated Associate degree, accelerated Bachelor’s degree, accelerated Master’s degree, accelerated MBA degree, accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degree (accelerated Ph.D.).  Holy State University represents traditional values of higher education, modern approach and freedom of higher education without discrimination. Start university studies now / immediate admission – Graduate at any time / fast accelerated graduation.

Affordable low costs accelerated educational programs online: accelerated Associate degree, 
					accelerated Bachelor’s degree, accelerated Master’s degree, accelerated MBA degree, 
					accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degree 
					(accelerated Ph.D.) About
Accelerated Degrees
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Performance Evaluation
Bologna Process
Educational Process
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Educational Credits
Self-Designed Programs
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Educational Documents
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What to Expect
Payment Options
Financial Assistance
Admission Questions
Application for Admission
Transfer Students
Liberal Studies Degrees
Multiple Degrees
Religious Programs
Non-Religious Programs
Business Degrees
Undergraduate Degrees
Associate's Degrees
Bachelor's Degrees
Graduate Degrees
Master's Degrees
Master's Degree-Accelerated
MBA Program
MBA-Accelerated Program
MBA-Executive Program
Mini PhD
Master's-PhD Dual Degrees
Doctoral Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)
PHD-Additional Details
PHD-Accelerated Program
Graduate Certificates
PHD for Medical Professions
PHD for Medical Doctors
Professional Certifications
Professional Courses
High School Equivalency
School of Liberal Studies
School of Arts
School of Law
School of Education
School of Business
School of Leadership
School of Management
School of Government
School of Public Policy
School of Diplomatic Affairs
School of International Affairs
School of Health Sciences
School of Religious Studies
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Low educational costs, affordable higher education, accelerated degrees, accelerated educational programs, lowest costs education, accelerated degrees, traditional values, modern approach and freedom of education: all in one place
Accelerated Associate degrees, accelerated Bachelor’s degrees, accelerated Master’s degrees, accelerated MBA degrees, accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degrees (accelerated Ph.D.)



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Online Undergraduate Degrees


Degrees are issued only after required studies



Acceptance of credits from other schools and universities


We may accept number of credits (at our discretion) received in other recognized by us learning institutions. We will not accept any credits issued by any place for life experience and obviously would not accept any credits from some places that we are not considering as credible learning institutions. Acceptance and recognition of credits from other institutions will be strictly at our discretion.


Previous learning credits (limited)


Upon request, we may consider issuance of limited number of credits for some forms of previous professional training/learning, or documented professional experience related to the subject of study.



Associate Degrees


High School (secondary level of education) diploma required at the time of graduation, but we allow to start studies before receiving High School diploma, with this approach degree would not be awarded until student can provide satisfactory proof than he/she completed High School (or equivalent) education.


North American approach to study evaluation (30 credits per year):

Program requires earning of 60 credits, normally divided as 30 credits for each academic year, but because you will be learning at your own speed, you will be able to complete this course in shorter period, or longer, depending on your involvement.


International approach to study evaluation (60 credits per year):

Program requires earning of 120 credits, normally divided as 60 credits for each academic year, but because you will be learning at your own speed, you will be able to complete this course in shorter period, or longer, depending on your involvement. We are counting number of credits completed and are using it as a basis for each academic year (60 credits per academic year).


Associate Degrees



Bachelor's Degrees


High School diploma (or equivalent) is required. Person can start classes before receiving High School diploma, but degree would not be awarded until student can provide satisfactory proof of the High School completion (or equivalent education).


North American approach to study evaluation:

Program requires earning of 120 credits, normally divided as 30 credits for each academic year, but because you will be learning at your own speed, you will be able to complete this course in shorter period, or longer, depending on your involvement.


International approach to study evaluation:

Program requires earning of 240 credits, normally divided as 60 credits for each academic year, but because you will be learning at your own speed, you will be able to complete this program in shorter period, or longer, depending on your involvement.


Bachelor's Degrees



In the Holy State University we are offering:


General Education Courses

Associate Degrees

Bachelor's Degrees

Master's Degrees

M.B.A. Degree (Master of Business Administration)

Executive M.B.A. Degree

Doctoral Degrees

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study




© Holy State University - Worldwide Autonomous Religious Educational Entity, 1986-2025. All rights reserved.






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Main Page


Direct Navigation


  General Information  
Admission questions
Application for admission
Students transferring to us
Our students
Bologna Process
Educational credits
Educational process
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Contact us
Cost of education
Payment center
Performance evaluation
Study as fast as you want
Educational Subjects
Associate's Degrees
Bachelor's Degrees
Master's Degrees
Doctoral Degrees
Graduate Certificates Program
Professional Certificates
PHD for Medical Professions
PHD-MD for Medical Doctors
MBA Program
Executive MBA
Accelerated MBA Program
Accelerated Master's Degree
Doctor of Philosophy - PHD
PHD - Additional Details
Accelerated PHD Program
Direct PHD Program
Business Degrees
Post-graduate Degrees
Undergraduate Degrees
Religious Degrees
Non-Religious Programs
Professional Courses
High School Education
Secondary Education
School of Arts
School of Education
School of Health Sciences
School of Religious Studies
School of Business
School of Leadership
School of Management
School of Diplomatic Affairs
School of Law
School of Public Policy
School of International Affairs
School of Graduate Education



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Educational subjects that you may want to explore:


cost of education
public health
phd for medical professions
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school of science
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graduate studies
school of modern theology
public policy
management degrees
professional certifications
public administration
our lowest educational costs
professional studies
religious psychology
religious law


undergraduate degrees
associate degree in science
associate degree in arts
bachelor degree in science
bachelor degree in arts
education degrees
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international studies
phd for medical doctors
life sciences
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information technology


graduate and doctoral degrees
master of art
master of science
master of business administration
executive mba degree
doctor of philosophy
doctor of jurisprudence
law and public policy
international law
doctor of sciences
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doctoral studies in health sciences
law/religious law
doctor of social work
doctoral degrees in arts
musical arts
policy and management
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md - phd
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religious degrees
theological degrees
bachelor degree - theology
master degrees in religions
doctoral programs - religion
phd - theology
mba/business and theology
doctoral degree - world religions
doctor of practical theology
ministry degrees
degrees in divinity
theology and civil law
master of religious studies
theological studies
master's program in divinity
international ministry
modern theology
religions of the world
canon law
religious education


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Holy State University - Affordable accelerated educational programs online - Freedom of education without discrimination.