Holy State University offers studies for any accredited accelerated educational degree: accelerated Associate degree, accelerated Bachelor’s degree, accelerated Master’s degree, accelerated MBA degree, accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degree (accelerated Ph.D.).  Holy State University represents traditional values of higher education, modern approach and freedom of higher education without discrimination. Start university studies now / immediate admission – Graduate at any time / fast accelerated graduation.

Affordable low costs accelerated educational programs online: accelerated Associate degree, 
					accelerated Bachelor’s degree, accelerated Master’s degree, accelerated MBA degree, 
					accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degree 
					(accelerated Ph.D.) About
Accelerated Degrees
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Educational Credits
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Associate's Degrees
Bachelor's Degrees
Graduate Degrees
Master's Degrees
Master's Degree-Accelerated
MBA Program
MBA-Accelerated Program
MBA-Executive Program
Mini PhD
Master's-PhD Dual Degrees
Doctoral Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)
PHD-Additional Details
PHD-Accelerated Program
Graduate Certificates
PHD for Medical Professions
PHD for Medical Doctors
Professional Certifications
Professional Courses
High School Equivalency
School of Liberal Studies
School of Arts
School of Law
School of Education
School of Business
School of Leadership
School of Management
School of Government
School of Public Policy
School of Diplomatic Affairs
School of International Affairs
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Low educational costs, affordable higher education, accelerated degrees, accelerated educational programs, lowest costs education, accelerated degrees, traditional values, modern approach and freedom of education: all in one place
Accelerated Associate degrees, accelerated Bachelor’s degrees, accelerated Master’s degrees, accelerated MBA degrees, accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degrees (accelerated Ph.D.)



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Questions for prospective Applicants

 Rules of Interaction




How to structure your first letter/email  





Acceptable forms:  


Dear Admission Representative




Dear Sir/Madam    





We are not answering any text messages - potential student MUST have enough intelligence to comprehend that text messages are NOT an appropriate way to communicate with any educational establishment.


Any potential student must be able to write an intelligent communications, starting with the basic ability to send emails composed in the form of common formal letter (with greeting line, body of the letter and signature/name line); and obviously not a text message. We are not answering to any text messages from the beginning.





After the formal greeting, tell us about yourself and what you want to achieve.  

See section “Questions for Applicants”.    





Use only your own REAL NAME (we are not responding to fictitious and nameless letters).


If you are planning to request any additional information, please be advised that each prospective applicant (or requestor of information) must answer preliminary questions addressed to the applicant. This approach helps us to make correct determination regarding applicant’s educational background and eligibility for the admission.


For our administrative fees, please visit page "Educational Costs" (click on text here) 


If you have any questions, please start with “Frequently Asked Questions” (click on text here) 


If you have any questions about Doctoral / PhD degrees (click on text here) 


For additional details, visit our page "What to Expect" (click on text here) 


List of required documents (click on text here) 






This information will ease our understanding of your needs. It will help us to assess your educational background and the ability to complete our program(s).


Very often, we are receiving requests for information from the people that are not eligible for an admission or from the people that have no necessary educational background for any programs that they are planning to apply. Instead of providing details about own educational background, these people are submitting numerous questions, despite the fact that they are not eligible for an admission. This situation creates significant loss of productive time for our representatives.


We also are encountering situations, where some people have no intention to apply for any studies, but are only collecting educational information. There are also some people that are doing it intentionally and not for any legitimate reasons (see section "INTERNET TROLLS"). For people that are only collecting information, we can suggest to search the Internet for any desired answers. We only can interact with people that are looking for educational services in our place.  


You can answer any required questions in a free style composed in the form of letter/email.


You may copy provided on this page "PROSPECTIVE APPLICANT QUESTIONNAIRE", paste it into any Word (document) processing software, type your answers, save on your computer and send it to us as an attachment to your FIRST letter/email.


All attachments must be in "Document" (“Word” or similar programs) or PDF formats, without any links (we are not opening any links), ZIP or compressed files will NOT be accepted.


Considering the fact that this questionnaire contains similar information as in an Admission Application, you can complete and send to us your Admission Application as a first step. We have no fees (at initial stage) and submission of an Application will not create any costs or legal obligations to become our student. Financial part of this QUESTIONNAIRE must be answered regardless if you are submitting (or not) your Application.


Purpose of this Questionnaire  


To assess your suitability for the program.

To be familiar with prospective student.

To provide correct answers to prospective student.

To assess educational needs of prospective student.

To eliminate requests from the people that are not interested to be our students.       


PLEASE NOTE: We have no obligations to answer any emails from the people that have no intention to be our students. 






If you are submitting additional questions (addressed to the University representatives), please let us know if you already searched our website for the answers but was not able to find it. This helps us to include more information into our website content.



General Information   


Your full legal name (submission of false names would disqualify person from future admission).


Your Country (State) of residence.


Desired Degree.


Educational history (provide a full name of each educational institution where you received educational degrees and exact location of each educational institution). We are interested only in information about educational institutions that awarded to you educational degrees. Do not list and do not submit copies for any non-degree courses.



Employment History  


Applicant's Employment History (we are not asking for details or for exact work places), general outlines would be sufficient.





What is your desired degree or educational program/course?


What are educational degrees you already received? List each educational degree and subject of studies for each degree.  


Do you have Diploma and Transcript (academic record) for all completed degrees? List each degree granting educational institution (colleges, universities). Provide a full name of college or university, location and website address (if any).  


Are all of your degrees issued based on your personal studies/educational research? Please note that we are not accepting any “degrees” issued for work/life experience, or any non-educational "degrees".


ATTACH copies (scanned in color or clear photographs) of all educational diplomas and transcripts(academic/educational records) that you already received, indicate if you have a TRANSCRIPT (Educational Record) issued for each degree. We are not interested in any non-degree certificates.




If you are applying for Master's degree studies, you must attach a copy of your Bachelor's degree documents.


If you are applying for PhD / Doctoral studies, you must attach copies of your Bachelor's and Master's degrees' documents.


As a part of the admission process we also would be requesting copies of documents (and educational records/ transcripts) for your secondary education (High School).





Do you have financial ability to pay our fees?  


We are receiving many questions from the people that have no ability to pay our fees. Our fees are already minimal and, unfortunately, we have no ability to offer a free education.


You are not required to make payment in full for the program and any student can make partial payments. We have no payment deadlines, no penalties for late payments, flexible payment amounts (student can make payments based on existing financial situation).


See page "Installment payments"


Also see page "Admissions" Low costs degrees - Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral, PhD



PRIVACY NOTICE: Holy State University will not give, sell, or otherwise transfer to any other party personal information submitted and received through this website or by online services. We are not sharing any private information with any party that is not a part of our educational system. Read the full "Privacy Policy" by using links on each page.


Visit our page "Frequently Asked Questions"  




© Holy State University - Worldwide Autonomous Religious Educational Entity, 1986-2023. All rights reserved.






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Performance evaluation
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Educational Subjects
Associate's Degrees
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Master's Degrees
Doctoral Degrees
Graduate Certificates Program
Professional Certificates
PHD for Medical Professions
PHD-MD for Medical Doctors
MBA Program
Executive MBA
Accelerated MBA Program
Accelerated Master's Degree
Doctor of Philosophy - PHD
PHD - Additional Details
Accelerated PHD Program
Direct PHD Program
Business Degrees
Post-graduate Degrees
Undergraduate Degrees
Religious Degrees
Non-Religious Programs
Professional Courses
High School Education
Secondary Education
School of Arts
School of Education
School of Health Sciences
School of Religious Studies
School of Business
School of Leadership
School of Management
School of Diplomatic Affairs
School of Law
School of Public Policy
School of International Affairs
School of Graduate Education



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Educational subjects that you may want to explore:


cost of education
public health
phd for medical professions
diplomatic affairs degrees
school of science
arts degrees
school of law
graduate studies
school of modern theology
public policy
management degrees
professional certifications
public administration
our lowest educational costs
professional studies
religious psychology
religious law


undergraduate degrees
associate degree in science
associate degree in arts
bachelor degree in science
bachelor degree in arts
education degrees
leadership programs
business administration
international studies
phd for medical doctors
life sciences
media degrees
european/african/asian/east studies
community leadership
health management
information technology


graduate and doctoral degrees
master of art
master of science
master of business administration
executive mba degree
doctor of philosophy
doctor of jurisprudence
law and public policy
international law
doctor of sciences
business leadership
doctoral studies in health sciences
law/religious law
doctor of social work
doctoral degrees in arts
musical arts
policy and management
doctoral studies in psychology
md - phd
health science


religious degrees
theological degrees
bachelor degree - theology
master degrees in religions
doctoral programs - religion
phd - theology
mba/business and theology
doctoral degree - world religions
doctor of practical theology
ministry degrees
degrees in divinity
theology and civil law
master of religious studies
theological studies
master's program in divinity
international ministry
modern theology
religions of the world
canon law
religious education


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Holy State University - Affordable accelerated educational programs online - Freedom of education without discrimination.