Holy State University offers studies for any accredited accelerated educational degree: accelerated Associate degree, accelerated Bachelor’s degree, accelerated Master’s degree, accelerated MBA degree, accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degree (accelerated Ph.D.).  Holy State University represents traditional values of higher education, modern approach and freedom of higher education without discrimination. Start university studies now / immediate admission – Graduate at any time / fast accelerated graduation.

Affordable low costs accelerated educational programs online: accelerated Associate degree, 
					accelerated Bachelor’s degree, accelerated Master’s degree, accelerated MBA degree, 
					accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degree 
					(accelerated Ph.D.) About
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Low educational costs, affordable higher education, accelerated degrees, accelerated educational programs, lowest costs education, accelerated degrees, traditional values, modern approach and freedom of education: all in one place
Accelerated Associate degrees, accelerated Bachelor’s degrees, accelerated Master’s degrees, accelerated MBA degrees, accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degrees (accelerated Ph.D.)



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PHD programs for Medical Doctors


Related Doctoral Professions


School of Health Sciences

PhD degrees for Medical and Associated Professions

 Our lowest costs are

making us the best


Who is eligible:


Medical Doctors

Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine

Doctors of Dentistry

Other similar or associated medical professions


For all other medical and associated professions Doctor of Philosophy Program, please visit our corresponding pages.



General Description:


Doctor of Philosophy degree is awarded to individuals who demonstrated mastery in a specific field or area of professional practice and gained advanced knowledge in the selected area of medical (or related to medicine) science.


Our graduates are prepared to possess a high level of knowledge and improved professional skills. You can improve your level of knowledge with the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Medical Science (or related sciences), advance your academic skills, gain useful experience in postgraduate studies, prepare yourself for advanced academic and professional career. 


Our PHD degrees are not based on any laboratory investigations or laboratory research, but on academic research and education. Any person has an option to complete our dual degree program Master's + PhD.



United States and countries with similar educational approach


In the United States, the pathway to the Medical Doctor Degree is completed in two steps. The first step is accomplished by completion of undergraduate degree at a college or university that awards a Bachelor's Degree in Arts or Sciences (usually a four-year degree). The first stage of receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts or Sciences sometimes is called “pre-medical” education or “premed school”, but use of this name can be misleading because any training (related or not related to medical areas of studies) is acceptable for the entrance into medical or osteopathic school. 


Medical and Osteopathic Schools are providing a four-year medical training. Training consists of two years of pre-clinical studies (basic sciences) and two years of clinical studies (medical sciences). Upon graduation, students are earning a Doctor of Medicine degree (MD), or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO).



European and other countries with similar educational approach


In European and in some other countries, a Medical Doctor Degree is often awarded after the completion of 5-6 years of studies in medical universities. Hospital training is required to practice medicine.   




Explore possibility of having dual degree Master's + PhD


If you desire to establish a firm record of your studies in health sciences, you may want to obtain a dual degree Master's + PhD (we are offering accelerated programs).  


Educational Pathways for Medical Doctors


Master's degree Program Pathways:


Accelerated Master's Program (fastest way to receive your degree if you need a minimum supervision).


Classic Master's degree Program.


PHD degree Program Pathways:


Accelerated PHD Program (fastest way to receive PHD if you need a minimum supervision).


Classic PHD Program.


Dual Program, Master's + PHD degrees Pathways:


Accelerated Dual Degree Program, Master's + PhD.


Classic approach (take as much time as needed).




Master's Degree Program - For our administrative fees, please visit page "Educational Costs" (click on text here) 


PhD Degree Program - For our administrative fees, please visit page "Educational Costs" (click on text here) 


Please visit page "Educational Costs" (click on text here) 



Lists of programs and Courses

This list is not all-inclusive and you can request programs and courses according to your needs, desire, experience and knowledge (we cannot guarantee acceptance of your request, but most likely, it would be granted): 


Programs and Courses in Health and Related Disciplines


Public Health

Health Sciences

Health Sciences Specializations

Behavioral Sciences

Occupational Medicine


Psychology Specializations (apply)

Public Health Policy

Health Care Administration

Community Health

Health Care Management

Health Administration

Alternative Health Services

Advanced Biostatistics

Advanced Epidemiology

Leadership for Health Professions

Health Policy

Public Health Administration

Public Health Policy

Health Management Systems

Health Care Policy

Assessment of Health Education

Advanced Health Education

Health Education Research

Health Education Ethics

Health Care Ethics

Health Care Leadership

Environmental Health

Occupational Health

Health Education and Society

Advanced Epidemiological Methods



Health Services

Community Health Management

Children’s Health Management

Medical Office Management

Medical Office Administration

Global Health Management

Hospital Administration

Hospital Management

Leadership in Health Professions

Health Services 

Leadership for Health Professions

Health Care Administration

Organizational Development

Health Organizations

Health Data Collection and Use

Health Trends Analysis

Health Promotion

Improvement of Health Behavior

Health Care Laws

Health Education Technology

National Health Policy

Health Care Reforms

Ethics in Health Care Deliverance

Conflicts Management

Community Public Health

Health Education Practices

Programs Development

Design of Health Education

Cultural Elements-Health Education

Evaluation of Health Education

International Health Regulations


Self-Designed Programs (ask)

Advanced Certificates

Professional Certificates

Emergency Medical Management

Emergency Medical Management

Health Care in Cultural Diversities

Health Informatics

Health Law

Health Promotions Management

Wellness Administration

Health Systems and Organizations

Health Behavior Modification

Health Data Analysis

Analysis of Clinical Trials

Analysis of Planned Experiments

Design of Clinical Trials

Design of Planned Experiments

Social/Legal Aspects-Mental Health

Mental Health Administration

Community Mental Health

Family and Reproductive Health

Improvement of Health Behavior

Health Research Methods  

Health Research Planning/Design

Health Policy Management

National Health Care Laws

Health Survey Methods

Women’s Health

Senior Health Care

Health Care in Cultural Diversities

Health Care Regulations





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PHD for Medical Professions
PHD-MD for Medical Doctors
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Accelerated Master's Degree
Doctor of Philosophy - PHD
PHD - Additional Details
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Educational subjects that you may want to explore:


cost of education
public health
phd for medical professions
diplomatic affairs degrees
school of science
arts degrees
school of law
graduate studies
school of modern theology
public policy
management degrees
professional certifications
public administration
our lowest educational costs
professional studies
religious psychology
religious law


undergraduate degrees
associate degree in science
associate degree in arts
bachelor degree in science
bachelor degree in arts
education degrees
leadership programs
business administration
international studies
phd for medical doctors
life sciences
media degrees
european/african/asian/east studies
community leadership
health management
information technology


graduate and doctoral degrees
master of art
master of science
master of business administration
executive mba degree
doctor of philosophy
doctor of jurisprudence
law and public policy
international law
doctor of sciences
business leadership
doctoral studies in health sciences
law/religious law
doctor of social work
doctoral degrees in arts
musical arts
policy and management
doctoral studies in psychology
md - phd
health science


religious degrees
theological degrees
bachelor degree - theology
master degrees in religions
doctoral programs - religion
phd - theology
mba/business and theology
doctoral degree - world religions
doctor of practical theology
ministry degrees
degrees in divinity
theology and civil law
master of religious studies
theological studies
master's program in divinity
international ministry
modern theology
religions of the world
canon law
religious education


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Holy State University - Affordable accelerated educational programs online - Freedom of education without discrimination.