Holy State University offers
ONLINE studies and accelerated educational degrees
with the lowest costs, fastest, easiest and simplest
educational approach. Our University is online
distance learning institution of higher education
where educational process is accomplished by using
modern forms of Internet communications. Our
students can perform studies for any educational
degree: Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, MBA,
Doctoral and Ph.D. We do not require any special grades for
the admission
and we have no admission tests.
In our University,
we are creating mature and
independent individuals that are willing to use own efforts in educational process.
All studies are independent (with our supervision
and guidance). Students will be responsible for
selecting study materials and textbooks. For
assessment of studies, students are sending to us written (in electronic form)
Essays reflecting student's knowledge of the subject.
We are offering straightforward evaluation without any potential for discrimination. We may use non-discriminative pass/fail academic evaluation system without any form of additional grading, or selective (discriminative) grading. This form is acceptable by provisions of Bologna Process. We believe that "pass/fail" academic evaluation approach can eliminate any form of discrimination or downgrading.
At the same time, at our discretion (or by request from student) we may use grading system similar to system used in many other the United States and European universities and colleges.
After learning a subject independently, student will prepare written work related to the subject/course learned and will submit it to us by electronic mail. Each enrolled student will receive details on preparation of written work. We are not providing any additional information to people that are not enrolled, we only can say that it is not difficult.
Each course of studies may generate from one to several educational credits depending on the size of the course. Each credit is equal to 25 academic hours of studies (European approach based on 60 educational credits per academic year requirement); or 50 hours of studies per credit, if student selects 30 credits per academic year requirement (U.S. educational approach).
It is assumed that each student will be spending about 20-25 academic hours of studies, if we would be using 60 educational credits per academic year system (also called in our University "International or European System"); or 45-50 academic hours of studies per each educational credit, if we would be using 30 credits per year system (also called in our University "North American or U.S. System").
We will be issuing supportive guidance for the assurance that student is selecting proper subjects for studies. Student may select general educational courses or to enter into our degree programs in Arts or Sciences.
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