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"Graduate": A person that completed full course of studies and received corresponding diploma reflecting study areas.


"Mail": Letter or package intended to be mailed.  


"Mailing" or "shipment": Designated approach to transfer letter or package from originating place to the place of final destination.  


"Shipping or mailing costs": Costs related to transfer of letter or package from originating place to the final destination.


"Handling costs": Costs related to preparation of letter or package for mailing. Some places are using this charge to recover costs of manual labor involved in packaging and mailing process (preparation of letter or package, secure packing, delivering to postal office, etc.).  


WE DO NOT CHARGE FOR PACKAGING LABOR COSTS, BUT WE MAY CHARGE FOR THE COSTS OF PACKAGING MATERIALS (if at any point we would decide to do so). Mostly, we are not charging for the costs of materials.  


"United States Postal Service": abbreviated names "U.S. Postal Service" or "USPS".  




Mailing Costs for shipment of Graduation Documents


PLEASE note that the costs posted on this page may not reflect up-to-date costs, because the United States Postal Service is increasing the costs regularly, at least one time each year.


Instead of charging actual mailing costs and cost of labor involved in preparation of package, we are charging flat fee for the handling, packaging and shipping of documents by using "First Class Package Mail" (offered by the United States Postal Service).


International mailing costs


International packages (our U.S. flat rates are representing approximate Postal Service official costs) for International Mail. Costs are based on 1 pound (453 grams) package. Costs are subject to change based on USPS costs increases.


Flat fee for international package mailing: $27 USD


Fee covers preparation of package, packaging and "shipping" (mailing) of educational documents to international destination by using "USPS First-Class Package International Service".


Average cost (charged by the U.S. Postal Service) to send documents outside of the United States by the First Class International Package Mail is $26.50 (less than 2 pounds) or $43.10 (above 2 pounds), charged by the U.S. Postal Service and based on the number of documents inside the package. In addition to that, there are the costs of materials and it also takes on overage about 2 hours to prepare each package for international destinations (package that most likely would withstand some extreme conditions during the mailing process), including preparation of shipping labels and shipping payment processing.


Registered Mail service: $17.15 USD (additional optional cost)


Registered Mail service is the service that provides tracking of the package and gives additional assurance that package will be delivered (in some countries packages are stolen, misplaced or lost).


Student can reject "Registered Mail" service and can pay only $27 for the final destination mailing. However, if package is not delivered, graduate will be responsible for the costs of obtaining new governmental certificates and for additional mailing costs.  


If package is lost during shipping process, the following will apply:


1.  We will reprint documents at no costs (free),

2.  Graduate will pay for the costs of any new governmental certificates (mailing / governmental charges), as provided on the page http://holyuniversity.org/documents-recognitions.htm

3.  Graduate will pay for the final destination mailing costs (to mail documents to the Country of final destination). 


United States (domestic) mailing costs


The costs of domestic packages are representing approximate U.S. Postal Service official costs, including the costs of packaging materials; mailed by USPS Regular First Class Mail or Priority Mail (at our discretion). Costs are based on 1 pound (453 grams) package. Any package over 1 pound has higher costs. Costs are subject to change based on USPS costs increases.


U.S. flat rate for all U.S. States can be located on the USPS website https://postcalc.usps.com/


Fee covers preparation of package, packaging and "shipping" (mailing) of educational documents by "USPS Priority Mail" (mailing of documents in the United States).


At our discretion, for shipping to the continental parts of the United States, we may use USPS "First Class Domestic Package Mail" or USPS "Priority Mail" service, applying the same flat fee as listed above (U.S. shipping). 



It takes a few hours to prepare each package with documents.


Preparation of packages is labor intensive process because everything is made by hands.


As a result, our packages usually can withstand harsh conditions attributable to international mail delivery.


Graduating student also may select any additional optional services (for the actual additional costs paid by graduating student), such as “Registered Mail”, “Express Mail”, “Priority Mail”, or any other add-on shipping services. Higher class mailing options and mail services offered by private shipment companies are not covered by our flat fees.




Registered Mail  


IN ADDITION to the First Class International Package Mail, graduating student may pay for the “Registered Mail” cost that is an additional add-on service offered by the Unites States Postal Service. Registered Mail is a service that may provide additional security against possible loss of package.


Registered Mail costs are the same for domestic and international destinations. Delivery time will be the same (or shorter) as for regular mail, but Registered Mail usually is not getting lost. Please note that Postal service increases costs regularly.  


What is Registered Mail?  


In the United States: Registered Mail service is offered by the United States Postal Service as an extra service for the First Class or Priority Mail shipments. Registered Mail provides added security and often this mail is shipped in separate and locked containers. Registered Mail records are maintained and lost package can be traced. Shipment, in most cases, can have tracing information for registered items and shipment progress can be monitored on postal service website.    


How our package looks like (international shipments)



All documents securely packed in large carton envelope (box). Package looks like large brown corrugated carton envelope. It is called by the U.S. Postal Service "large package" because it is bigger than 12 inches in at least one dimension.


Package usually weights between ONE to TWO pounds (Pound - LBS.), depending on the number of documents and packing method. 1 Pound = 453.59 Grams.


All documents are printed on heavy weight paper (archival quality) that creates total weight (we never print documents on thin paper).  


We are not sending documents in regular paper envelopes because most likely you would receive everything in damaged condition. 


We cannot give exact package weight because it is based on the actual weight of each document and the quality of carton packaging can create different weight (if carton sheets are manufactured at different time, or on different factory, etc.). We only know exact weight when package is fully packed and sealed.  



Private shipping companies (international destinations)  


UPS, Federal Express, DHL, etc.


Graduating student MUST check online estimates for the shipping costs before requesting private delivery services. We will not be providing any estimates.


Each shipping company has a website (please search the Internet) and each shipping company provides web page, where you can calculate approximate shipping costs.


For the estimates, please use our mailing address and ZIP code provided on the “Contact” page (Zip code 19134).


Prices from Private Shipping Companies for the "legal size" envelope with only 0.5 lbs. (225 grams) of weight will cost about $110 - $150 and it depends on your location. Small envelope that is not large enough to place notarized documents without folding, may have shipping costs about $59 (we cannot use these envelopes because documents are larger than provided by shipping company envelopes). In addition, this price does not allow (because it is only 0.5 lbs. of weight) any additional carton padding or any other forms of package enforcement; accordingly, documents can be delivered damaged. Shipping of larger package by private mail services (1-2 lbs.) can cost as much as $175 - $200. 


In most cases, different private companies have very similar costs (between private companies).  




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