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Amazingly, documents were delivered within a week, beyond my expectations. The quality of paper, design and packing are highly commendable and much better as compared to other universities. Thank you very much for everything.

Bijender S., India






After a student's graduation, we mail (by using U.S. Postal Service) all printed graduation documents (Diploma, Transcript, Letters of Graduation, and other documents) to the address provided by the graduated student. We are not holding any graduation ceremonies.






These documents are covered by the Program costs and printed in Regular Format (the size is approximately 8.5 x 11 inches; or 21.5 x 28 centimeters). Printed documents may have small deviations in exact measurements.


1. One (1) Diploma (no additional costs).


2. One (1) Academic Transcript (no additional costs).


3. One (1) Certificate-Letter of Graduation (issued only for degree program graduates).


4. One (1) Certificate-Letter of successful fulfillment of the degree requirements (issued for Doctoral programs).  


Graduation Letters are not educational documents and we are obligated only to provide Diploma and Transcript for all successful graduates. At present time, Graduation Letters are offered as courtesy documents and only for degree programs.






We are offering three different formats (sizes) for graduation documents

(Diploma, Transcript, Graduation Letters):


Regular Format 


Graduating students are receiving Diploma, Transcript, and Graduation Letters (one print of each document) in Regular Format (size is approximately 8.5 x 11 inches or 21.5 x 28 centimeters) with no additional costs (one set of graduation documents is included in the program costs).


Also, graduating students may order (for additional costs) any number of additional prints for Diploma, Transcript, and Graduation Letters in regular, large, or extra-large formats.


Any second print (or any number of additional prints) of any document that has NO additional costs for the first print at the time of graduation (documents printed in Regular Format), such as regular size Diploma, Transcript, Letters of Graduation, will have an additional cost of $15 (Regular Format) for each additional print when it is ordered at the time of graduation.


If additional Diplomas, Transcripts or Graduation Letters are ordered after the graduation period, the cost for each print (in Regular Format) will be $20, plus mailing/handling fee and any applicable bank fees based on the payment method used for the payment (for example, bank wire transfer fees, etc.; however, we have no additional payment processing fees for credit/debit card ordering payments or for a check issued by the U.S. bank).


Large Format (currently not available)


Graduating students may order a Large Format of any document (Diploma, Transcript, Graduation Letters).


Fee: $30 for each document (when ordered at the time of graduation). Large Format is approximately 14 x 11 inches (35.5 x 28 centimeters).


Extra-Large Format (currently not available)


Graduating student may order Extra-Large Format of any document (Diploma, Transcript, Graduation Letters).


Fee: $40 for each document (when ordered at the time of graduation). Extra-Large Format is approximately 16.5 x 12.5 inches (42 x 32 centimeters).


Mailing costs are different for each region and for each country.


Notarized Diploma - Regular Format 


Notarized Diploma (Regular Format) has an additional cost of $15 for each print, plus $5 notarization fee (when ordered at the time of graduation). Total Cost: $20.


Notarized Transcript - Regular Format 


Notarized Transcript (Regular Format) has an additional cost of $15 for each print, plus $5 notarization fee (when it is ordered at the time of graduation). Total Cost: $20.


Graduating students may order as many additional prints in different sizes, as needed. 





Our Diplomas and Transcripts are designed in the form of antique/vintage style that delivers original, visually appealing and esthetically pleasing documents.


We are not using “names-on-white paper” style for several reasons, including the fact that complicated design is sufficient to discourage some people from making attempts to duplicate documents.


Due to the significant proliferation of activities associated with copying of diplomas from different institutions, it is our policy not to provide copies of any documents to the people that are not our students or graduates. Only our graduates are receiving diplomas, transcripts and other documents.


Words in our Diploma (Graduation Certificate) are in the same format, as in the most other North American universities (diploma comes from Holy State University). It is up to you to call it “diploma”, “degree award certificate”, or "graduation certificate".


In graduation documents, we are not using words that are not related to the principles of education (we are not using words “online”, “distant education” or “accelerated program”). Your Diploma will indicate only that you successfully completed all academic requirements. Name of the University will be followed by customary words ending with the statement that the Degree [Your Degree] was awarded to You [Student's Name]. Document has customary finalizing words, as in any other diploma issued on the territory of the United States.


Multi-colored artistic background design (guilloche style) that prevents copy and paste of names (as in some regular white background diplomas). Background consists of different designs and colors that to some degree resemble the background of financial currency. It includes a combination of beige, olive, brown, orange, green, black and some other colors. Large background seal is semi-transparent.


All Diplomas and Transcripts have identification numbers that are assigned to each student/graduate (that is known only to the student).


All our documents have additional security printing on the reverse side. 


Sample copies of our documents


Letter: Confirmation of Graduation
Issued only for degree programs

Letter: Confirmation of Academic Work Acceptance
Issued for Doctoral / PhD graduates as a confirmation of completed work on Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Notarized Certified Diploma
Used together with governmental Apostilles and Certifications
[for people located outside of the United States, also can be requested by the U.S. residents].
Notarized Certified Transcript
Used together with governmental Apostilles and Certifications
[for people located outside of the United States, also can be requested by the U.S. residents.]





Additional optional documents that are not a part of educational process

(appropriate fees will be applied).


1. State Apostille(s) (optional, see page: "Documents Recognition" ).


2. U.S. Department of State Authentication Certificate (optional, see page: "Documents Recognition" Affordable low costs accelerated educational programs online: accelerated Associate degree, accelerated Bachelor’s degree, accelerated Master’s degree, accelerated MBA degree, accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degree (accelerated Ph.D.)).


3. Consulate Legalization (optional, see page: "Documents Recognition" ).


4. Degree evaluation Certificate from our accreditation organization (optional, additional fee)


5. Additional prints of documents.


6. Large / Super-Large sizes for Diploma, Transcript and Graduation Letters (for framing, etc.).


You can order additional prints of any document


Considering the fact that some students are located outside of the United States, it is advisable to order several prints of graduation documents, where some prints can be used for framing, some for job search and some for safe-keeping (as a form of security against accidental loss or damage).


Second print of any document that has NO additional costs for the first print (see above - documents in regular/small/ size), such as regular size Diploma, Transcript, Letters of Graduation, will have an additional cost of $10 for each second (or for any other additional print), when ordered at the time of graduation.



Additional Optional Documents 

(additional costs)




Apostilles and Certificates from the State of Pennsylvania


Certificate from the United States Department of State

Embassy/Consulate Attestations and Legalizations
Additional Prints of Diploma and Transcript/strong>



If you are located outside of the United States, you can request (optional, but recommended) State Apostille/Certificate, U.S. Department of State Authentication Certificate (if necessary) and legalizations/attestations from your country's Embassy/Consulate in the U.S. (if applicable).


Additional costs will apply, see page "Documents Recognition"





   What documents will I receive after graduation?  


In addition to the degree Diploma (Degree Award Certificate), you will receive Academic Transcript, where we would list your study subjects and statement of the degree program completion. For all degree programs (at present time) we also are issuing a "Graduation Letter" that presents similar information as the Degree Award Certificate.


  Do you use the words “online”, “distant education” or “accelerated program” in graduation documents?


We are not using words that are not related to the principles of education. Your diploma will indicate only that you successfully completed all academic requirements and HSU awarded a degree to you. In graduate documents we are not using words “online”, “distant education” or “accelerated program”. Education represents knowledge that student receives during studies; and it is irrelevant where student is located, how fast student can study and how fast student can complete his/her degree requirements. We are conferring degrees for students’ educational work (studies).


   May I receive a sample copy of the final degree diploma?


Unfortunately, it is our policy not to send copies of any document to people that are not our students or graduates. Only our graduates are receiving diplomas and other documents. Examples of the original diploma and other documents are posted at the beginning of this page. Words in diplomas are in the same format, as in most American universities (diploma comes from Holy State University). It is up to you to call it “diploma”, or “degree award certificate” (we do not use words “Online Education” or “Distance Education” in the document). Name of the University will be followed by customary words ending with a statement that [Name of the Degree] Degree awarded to [Name of the Student]. Document has customary finalizing words.


   What language are you using in diplomas and transcripts?


We are using the English language for diplomas, transcripts and other documents (unless we are offering a full line of educational services in your language). Allowance to use native language (that we are translating) for educational work is not an indicator that we are offering educational documents in a student’s native language.


In some circumstances, for additional fee, we may issue graduating documents in English and in student's native language.






I timely received all my graduation documents. Never been happier. What an enjoyment for my parents! Thanks for all kind help and assistance.

Punit P., USA





Go to the page "Recognition of Public Documents"

Go to the page "Mailing methods for documents"



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