Holy State University offers ONLINE studies and accelerated educational degrees with low costs, fast, easy and simplest educational approach. Our University is online distance learning institution of higher education, where educational process is accomplished by using modern forms of Internet communications. Our students can perform studies for any educational degree: Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, MBA, Doctoral and Ph.D.
If you are getting error messages or returned emails, this may indicate that our email server is under maintenance or repairs. You can re-send your letter again (after a few hours, or in a few days).
Electronic Mail for all admission-related questions
Periodically, our email service provider performs maintenance (and this is unavoidable) and usually for a short time our email service and some web pages are not accessible. In these cases, you need re-send email at a later time.
[Please Note: we are not interested in any commercial services]
Learn how to make your first contact link provided - see below and here
PLEASE NOTE that we always are answering all emails that are related to educational matters and originated from people that have genuine desire to study in our place.
We have no obligation to answer emails / questions / requests for information that are representing commercial solicitations oriented on selling goods and/or services, including emails / questions / requests for information from people that have no intention to be our students.
Requests for verifications of student’s or graduate status must originate from the student / graduate personally, or from the official representative of educational institution / company / organization. Organizational requests must be sent from the organizational web email server (hosted as a part of organization’s domain name).
If you are not receiving any responses to your emails, there only can be a few simple explanations.
If you are not receiving answers from us, you can do the following:
We are expecting that all applicants would search for answers by reading our web pages. If answers are not available on our website, please feel free to submit your questions by email (NOTE: copies of educational documents are required for any answers - we will not provide any answers if interested person is not submitting copies of educational credentials) and we will be happy to provide answers for all your concerns. Our website is very clear, straightforward and has very basic elements that are enabling every person (even a person without computer knowledge) to navigate our website without difficulties. Almost all information that is necessary to make an informed decision already available on our website and is fully accessible. All links are located on the left side of each page (and some additional links you may find on individual pages).
If you are sending educational documents to us (by email), please send it in the original format without use of compressed or ZIP files.
Electronic Mail has no 100% reliability. If for some reasons you are not receiving our answer, please send your inquiries again (server, yours or our, may misplace electronic information). Also, please read all pages on our web site and most likely, you will find many answers.
Please present your questions in very clear manner. We cannot guess what you would want to ask if you are not formulating your questions in concise, to the point manner.
If you have any questions, please check our website first, and try to find all related pages/information; most likely, you will find the answer you are looking for. It also helps to narrow down specifics of your question. If answers are not found, feel free to send us email.
We always are answering admission questions promptly. We have no fixed working hours and our representatives can work at any time (day, evening or night) at their convenience.
Sending Electronic Mail
If your mail server is not configured (to populate automatically email addresses upon clicking), please highlight email address with computer mouse, click on the right side of your computer mouse, you will see selection box - select "Copy"; after that, paste copied email address into address bar of your email server.
Each country has different email servers that not always are functioning properly (email can be easily lost or not forwarded to the intended party). We usually are replying within 24-72 hours (or less). If within 72 hours you are nor receiving any reply, please feel free to send your email again.
To assure uninterrupted email deliveries, we are recommending setting up a FREE email account with Google Mail, or with any other reliable free email providers; otherwise, you may not receive the needed answers or instructions, even if we would be sending emails to you. Free Google email accounts available at https://mail.google.com
If you are not receiving requested answers, always check the "spam" folder in your email account (because of wrong email configurations or other incorrect settings, you may find regular legitimate responses in the "spam" folder, instead of regular folder).
Sending to us regular mail
Holy State University represented by students located around the World and University is administered by the Autonomous Self-governing Religious Authority. Autonomous Self-governing Religious Authority selected City of Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania, United States, as one of its worldwide international designated locations situated on the religiously sovereign land. Regents of the University (degrees issuing authority of the Holy State University), educational advisors and administrative staff can be located in any part of the World. All these matters are making Holy State University a truly International University that is part of the World and operates on the worldwide basis (and not from one limited location).
We are International University that is open for people from any part of the World. We are also Worldwide University that is not under jurisdiction of any unrelated to us secular governments (including any State or the City of the United States) and location of the Autonomous Self-governing Religious Authority in the United States is not making us in any way subordinate of any State of the United States.
At the end of this section, you will find our mailing address for our mail delivery center. Considering the fact that Holy State University operates in the form of providing DISTANT EDUCATION (by using the Internet communications / online), our administrative offices are located in many different places (including international locations) and only open to authorized representatives (we have no public walk-in policy). Please be advised that administration is not located in our mail delivery center (see provided address). This location is only for the administrative mail delivery purposes.
If you are sending regular mail to us, please include your electronic mail address (email address) in your letter (if you are sending paper mail). We only are answering by electronic mail and we are not sending any paper mail for regular communications (especially to foreign countries - such mailings may take a very long time).
Generally, we are using regular mail for the delivery of graduation credentials and not for regular communications with the students (for communications with our students we are using electronic mail). If electronic mail address is not included in your letter (sent by regular mail), please do not expect any answer. If you are sending payment by mail, you need also inform us by email (never include any cash payments in regular mail envelope).
PLEASE remember that HSU operates as an educational establishment offering DISTANT EDUCATION (by using Internet communications / online); accordingly, please do not expect that we will be scheduling appointments to visit us at any fixed location.
All our students must have an access to the Internet and electronic mail.
PLEASE NOTE: All regular correspondence will be performed only by electronic mail.
Address is provided in the picture format; therefore, it cannot be copied electronically.
Advancements of technology changed principles of interaction with students (this explains the fact of not offering interactions by telephone communications) Internet radically changed many old principles of communication with the public and we fully recognized the fact that electronic communications are more convenient and can be considered as a modern way to deal with most inquiries (comparing to time consuming and labor/cost intensive use of telephone communications).
Our faculty members are not obligated to be present and are not attached to any street address that you may see here. Members of our Educational Boards are represented by the people from many different countries. Our advisors, faculty members, or any Board members can be in any corner of the World and our street locations are not representing the entire University.
Holy State University defines world "university" as a human intellectual power that in the case of our International (Worldwide) University is reflected in the expression of the entire World. Therefore, the Holy State University operates on international basis and can be defined only as International University.
To be able to continue our low-cost educational policy, we are not offering telephone communications services for the students and for the people looking for any information. In the course of offering low-cost education, we cannot offer exactly the same amenities/services, that other overpriced universities are offering. Comparing to all other places, we are not charging students large tuition fees, our reasonable administrative fees are not the tuition fees but a form of financial security for our ability to continue offering our lowest cost education to any person of the World. Furthermore, our international students, in most cases, have no ability to interact with us in the form of telephone communications and they are using internet communications for any form of contacts.
PRIVACY NOTICE: Holy State University will not give, sell, or otherwise transfer electronic addresses received through this website or online service to any other party for the purposes of initiating, or enabling others to initiate electronic mail messages. We are not sharing any private information with any party that is not a part of our educational system. Read the full "Privacy Policy" by using links on each page.
Check our Frequently Asked Questions Page
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