Holy State University offers studies for any accredited accelerated educational degree: accelerated Associate degree, accelerated Bachelor’s degree, accelerated Master’s degree, accelerated MBA degree, accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degree (accelerated Ph.D.).  Holy State University represents traditional values of higher education, modern approach and freedom of higher education without discrimination. Start university studies now / immediate admission – Graduate at any time / fast accelerated graduation.

Affordable low costs accelerated educational programs online: accelerated Associate degree, 
					accelerated Bachelor’s degree, accelerated Master’s degree, accelerated MBA degree, 
					accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degree 
					(accelerated Ph.D.) About
Accelerated Degrees
Transfer Students
Performance Evaluation
Bologna Process
Educational Process
Educational Plans
Educational Credits
Self-Designed Programs
Your Native Language
Educational Documents
Documents Recognitions
Frequent Questions
What to Expect
Payment Options
Financial Assistance
Admission Questions
Application for Admission
Transfer Students
Liberal Studies Degrees
Multiple Degrees
Religious Programs
Non-Religious Programs
Business Degrees
Undergraduate Degrees
Associate's Degrees
Bachelor's Degrees
Graduate Degrees
Master's Degrees
Master's Degree-Accelerated
MBA Program
MBA-Accelerated Program
MBA-Executive Program
Mini PhD
Master's-PhD Dual Degrees
Doctoral Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)
PHD-Additional Details
PHD-Accelerated Program
Graduate Certificates
PHD for Medical Professions
PHD for Medical Doctors
Professional Certifications
Professional Courses
High School Equivalency
School of Liberal Studies
School of Arts
School of Law
School of Education
School of Business
School of Leadership
School of Management
School of Government
School of Public Policy
School of Diplomatic Affairs
School of International Affairs
School of Health Sciences
School of Religious Studies
Graduate Education
Publishing Department
For Students
Refund Policy
For Graduates
For Employers
Volunteers Program
Legal Standing
Educational Compliance
Contact Information
Privacy Policy

Low educational costs, affordable higher education, accelerated degrees, accelerated educational programs, lowest costs education, accelerated degrees, traditional values, modern approach and freedom of education: all in one place
Accelerated Associate degrees, accelerated Bachelor’s degrees, accelerated Master’s degrees, accelerated MBA degrees, accelerated Doctoral and accelerated PhD degrees (accelerated Ph.D.)



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Our Questions for Applicants


See our Main Admission Page for more information


Our site is fully informative and it provides answers to almost all questions. On this page, you will find links-directions to different pages (you can click with your computer “mouse” on the text of the link for redirection to the page, links also will change color when you point [for first time] computer "mouse" on the link). If you have additional questions, check the links to individual pages (main links are on the left side of each page and in the lower part under the text of each page). Send us e-mail if you are not able to find satisfactory answer (you need to answer our questions at the time of sending any questions to us).



Questions and Answers



Additional questions related to Doctoral and PhD degrees you can find on the page:


"PhD - Details"


Please utilize Internet search potentials if you are looking for answers to general and basic questions.



  Question: What are starting dates for your programs?


Students are starting studies at any time, as well as graduating at any time. You can start immediately after the admission.



  Question: Do you require from students to travel to the campus for tests or to defend thesis for Master's or Doctoral degrees?


There is no need for any travel. All studies, examinations, thesis approvals, evaluations and all educational/administrative affairs in Holy State University are performed through indirect contacts by using Internet communications and no any travel involved.


After successful completion of the selected by student program, we are sending to our students all graduation documents by postal mail.



  Question: Do you have a graduation ceremony and if you do, is this optional or mandatory to attend?  


We are not organizing and not holding any graduation ceremonies. Our education is simplified, inexpensive and convenient for most students. We perfectly aware that attendance of any ceremonies can represent extraordinary expense for some students, especially when it is very difficult to receive the U.S. travel visa.


Our students are starting at any time and are graduating at different times. Administration of any ceremonies is not practical.  



  Question: Will you assist me in obtaining U.S. entrance visa?  


This question sounds illogical because we are providing distant form of education and there is no need for student to be present in the United States for studies.


Any person can seek and can request travel visa from the United States Immigration Services, but we are not assisting in these endeavors. We are not a "travel agency" and students in Distant Education Programs are NOT eligible to obtain "student visa" for travel to the U.S. based on the admission into distant studies program.


Only students of regular programs that are based on classroom studies can request "student visa"; and in addition to that, person requesting "student visa" must demonstrate that he/she has funds to cover the costs for at least one year of studies, and all living expenses (information is only general).


 Each person needs to deal with the U.S. Immigration Services; however, WE ARE NOT SPONSORING ANY VISA APPLICATIONS. Also, each person needs to realize that our costs are for distant studies only. Classroom studies in any university (in the United States) are approximately $20,000 - $50,000 for each year (even for the local students); plus numerous other expenses that can be almost the same, or even more, as the costs of studies. We are not offering classroom studies (at least not at present time, but possibly will do it in the future). 



  Question: Do you help students with job placement?


Our students can be from any smallest corner of the World and obviously, we are not able to arrange job placements. Holy State University provides educational services with lowest costs and is not involved in any employment services.



  Question: Do I need to be an American citizen to study in Holy State University?


Absolutely NOT. It is irrelevant where you live and what kind of citizenship you have. We are International University for all people around the World.



  Question: How will I receive my graduation documents?  


You will receive graduation documents by postal mail.  


Use this link to read about different ways that we are using to send graduation documents   


Use this link to see what documents you will receive  


Use this link if you want to order additional prints of graduation documents, or any other additional documents 



  Question: When I can start classes?


You can start studies as soon as all required documents are received and approved for the admission; and after making your first payment covering our administrative fee. Payment can be in full or partial.


See our page "Educational Costs"

See our page "Payment Plans"


You are studying according to the Curriculum offered to you (or prepared by you, but accepted and adjusted by us) in your own home, by using your own books and you are sending to us (by e-mail) written Essays related to your studies (detailed comprehensive Essays). By examining your written Essays, we will know the extent of your studies. We will issue a proper number of educational credits after examination your written work. When you are admitted, we will provide more details (we are not discussing these maters with people that are not admitted).



  Question: I am a science student, will I have access to your laboratories?


We are not providing any research laboratories for our students. We are ONLINE UNIVERSITY offering distant education (student learns a subject and we are examining level of knowledge). Students are studying materials that can be obtained in printed or digital form (from bookstores, libraries, research materials, Internet). We also are not providing study books. Any proper information (from any book, textbook, or even free information obtained from the Internet) is acceptable as long as it correctly covers the course of studies. In addition, any student may use any local laboratories (in the area of student's residence) for any laboratory research (if needed).



  Question: Do I need to use English language for studies in your University?


In addition to English language, we are accepting commonly used languages, such as Spanish, French, German, Russian, Arabic and many other languages. Follow this link to see the complete list


You need to communicate with us in English language (even if your English is not perfect), but all your educational work can be submitted in your native language. Our guidance will be in English language (student can translate it with free online translators).


If student’s English is not too advanced, student always may use free online electronic translators to translate our letters to student and student’s letters addressed to us. See our main page for the list of all languages that we may accept as a main language for student’s studies.



  Question: Where can I see how your Diploma looks like?


Please go to page: "Educational Documents"



  Question: Can I get a scholarship?


From time to time, we are getting requests for full scholarship. Please be advised that we DO NOT OFFER ANY SCHOLARSHIPS because our educational costs already reduced to the minimal level. Our fees are securing our ability to provide to all people education with minimal costs. Our low administrative costs can be considered as a form of instant scholarship. Nevertheless, we do offer 'low-income discounts' (Please go to page: "Educational Costs" )


Comparing to many other universities that are charging significant tuition fees (and at the same time are receiving different forms of financial support from different governments), we are not receiving any financial support from any unrelated to us government.


Any person can search for a private sponsor that can provide scholarship funds to cover our administrative fees. If in your country education is free, in such case, we only can suggest to study locally. We cannot compete with universities offering free education.



  Question: Can I get a financial aid in your place?


Financial Aid available for students that are citizens of the United States. Usually all forms of financial aid are based on federal grants (monies from the U.S. government) and from other forms of financial support (from other unrelated to university parties, such as donations designated for financial aid). Nevertheless, we do offer 'low-income discounts' for any person from any country, if qualified (Please go to page: "Educational Costs" )


Even the most expensive universities usually never (in most cases) are giving anything from their own funds (unless they have direct interest to do it); they only are arranging financial aid between student and other institutions. Universities are making such arrangements only because they are collecting all (or most part) of financial aid that student receives (in other words, they are doing it only for own benefits). Financial aid usually used when universities have large tuition costs (average cost in the U.S. for each YEAR of studies is from $20,000 - $50,000, plus thousands of dollars in additional costs).


We are not associated with any unrelated to us governments and we are not using any grants from any government.


We ARE NOT OFFERING ANY HELP in arranging FINANCIAL AID. We have administrative fees that are representing small portion of what students are paying for each year of studies in other universities. Each student can search and arrange own financial aid (but we are not involved in such endeavors). We can accept payments from third parties on student’s behalf (such as relatives, employers, etc.).


For more information, please see page "Financial Assistance"



  Question: What qualities students must have?


Ability to study independently. Obviously, student is not doing everything independently and we are examining student’s work, we are issuing recommendations and guidance, but most of studies are performed in independent manner in the place where student resides.



  Question: What is location of the Holy State University?


We are International University administered by the Autonomous Self-governing Religious Authority. Autonomous Self-governing Religious Authority selected the City of Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania as one of its worldwide international designated locations and located on the religiously sovereign land in the City of Philadelphia (See page: "Contact Us" )


Autonomous Self-governing Religious Authority is not under jurisdiction of the United States or any State of the United States. Furthermore, according to the laws of the United States and provisions of the International Laws, not the United States government, neither government of any State of the United States can make any laws or rules that can regulate in any way or in any manner religiously-sovereign affairs of the Autonomous Self-governing Religious Authority.


Holy State University represented by students located in any part of the World and administered by the Autonomous Self-governing Religious Authority. Regents of the University (degrees issuing authority of Holy State University) are selected by the President of the University and can be located in any corner of the World. University educational advisors and administrative staff can also be selected from international academic representatives (located in any part of the World). All these matters are making Holy State University a truly International University that is part of the World and operates on the worldwide basis (and not from the one limited location).


We are International University that is open for people from any part of the World. We are also Worldwide University that is not under jurisdiction of any unrelated to us governments (including any State of the United States) and location of the Autonomous Self-governing Religious Authority in the United States is not making us in any way subordinate of the United States or any State of the United States. Our degrees are based on the same educational principles and the same educational requirements as any other degrees awarded in the United States, in the European Union, and in many other countries.


Also, please see page "Contact Holy State University"



  Question: Who will provide study materials and textbooks?


For our very low costs (administrative fees) per year (or per program), we definitely are not providing any textbooks or study materials. Student must search for own textbooks. With achievements of the Internet and with many online libraries (some are free and some have fees), students can find significant amount of information without buying actual textbooks. Free public libraries still exist almost in every city of the world.



  Question: Can student use online library?


Please search the Internet and you will find many online academic libraries with reasonable fees. Many places are free (where you can read materials online).



  Question: Where student will be getting textbooks for studies?


You can buy books (any books that are relevant to the course of studies), you can use books in libraries, you also can search the Internet for FREE information.


We want to see that you are learning the subject and it does not matter where you got the information. In these days, free information obtained from the Internet can be as good, as information printed in paper books. You also may find free digital books on the Internet. Sometimes you can find free books on the Internet in digital format, sometimes you can compile information relevant for your studies from different trusted sources on the Internet (usually it is free, just spend the time to search for the related subject).


Feel free to search the Internet for the information on the books used by students in other universities. You can perform a simple test, just type in the search box of any web browser (western style) some information, for example, “books for civil law” or "civil law" and you would most likely find hundreds of different books and websites offering guidance and compilation of free information. Check these books (and other information) for relevance to your courses.


If you have a local university in your city, very often library can be used by any member of the public (many universities are supported by public monies and they cannot limit access to the library only for the students).


With development of the Internet and modern technology, very often, for some subjects of study, you have no need to buy any books and free information can be found in many places (on the Internet and in real life). Obviously, to spend many hours on the Internet, you must to have an access to the Internet (preferably not limited). You need to use western "Internet Browser" (there are always free downloads from the original companies) and must use popular "Search Engines". If you are studying in English language, then you need to use popular "Search Engines" that are operating in English language.



  Question: What is the definition of independent Studies?


Student selects own textbooks (we are not providing a list of textbooks and student has significant degree of freedom related to this matter), student buys own textbooks (or student searches for study materials on the Internet, according to the course of studies), student studies at home. Sometimes, instead of buying books, student can use online libraries (usually they are not free, please do your research). Regular free public libraries still exist around the world; therefore, students can use these libraries. Internet is another source of free information. When student finished studies for the course, he/she sends to us written essays for the study courses (every enrolled student will get detailed instructions). We would be examining student's written work, we will be evaluating it and we would be making decisions how many credits such studies can generate for the student and if studies are completed in proper and diligent manner. We would be issuing additional recommendations, when needed.



  Question: Can I use your degree in any place of the World?


There is no worldwide acceptance of any educational degree and no university in any country can guarantee acceptance of any degree. It is up to your employer and licensing regulations in your country (only a few professions require professional licensing). Any degree that is based on studies (educational degree) is usually a valid degree. In our University you will be studying for your degree. Educational degree is considered to be legitimate, as long as you perform studies for your degree.


Educational diploma represents your level of knowledge (in combination with your diploma). However, not the diploma (as a piece of paper), but a person and his/her level of knowledge makes the diploma valid.


Also see our page "Documents Recognitions"



  Question: Please let me know if you offer any "life experience degrees"?


If you have documented professional training, we can issue a limited number of educational credits based on your supporting documentation. However, if you are looking for the degree that is not based on studies, but entirely on the “life experience”, we are NOT issuing any “life experience degrees”. Any "life-experience degree" is NOT a legitimate educational degree because educational degrees are issued ONLY as a result of academic/educational studies, and NEVER for any sort of life experience. Educational degrees from any university only can be issued for documented educational efforts of student.


“Life experience degrees” in all countries are considered to be “novelty”, or “entertaining degrees" that have no any educational value; and only can be used for entertainment purposes (similar to placing colored poster on the wall). Every potential employer has access to the Internet and if you would "graduate" from the "life experience university", this fact only can represent a nice joke (at the same time, you can be hired, and not because of your "life experience diploma", but only if your previous experience can be useful for your potential employer).


We are only considering real studies, where student’s knowledge is reflected in the form of educational degree.


We are not accepting people with "life-experience degrees"; the same way, we are not accepting people with "diplomas" from the “universities” that are printing "paper degrees" without any studies (for example, "degrees" that are based on life experience, or "degrees" from non-existing  places).


Please do not apply for the any step-up degree if your previous degree was from so-called “life experience university”.


If you are looking for educational degree with educational value, we can offer this degree only for your educational efforts. It is not difficult to study and our costs are some of the lowest. You also can complete any degree in accelerated manner. More time you will spend for studies - sooner you can graduate.



  Question: How many years will it take to get Bachelor's degree in your University?


Using of word “year” can be confusing to people, especially not in academic field. People are assuming that “year” is what they are usually accustomed to see, they think that each year lasts 365 days. HOWEVER, 365 days are representing "calendar year" (astronomic year). “Calendar year” is the year with days, weeks, and months.


In educational field, “academic year” has NOTHING to do with "calendar year" (astronomic year). “Academic year” in universities is just a measuring unit and the word “year” is only used in HYPOTHETICAL MEANING. Each “academic year” has assigned number of educational credits that student must receive for his/her studies (see our page “Educational Credits”).


Educational Degree is always based on the number of educational credits received (or the number of academic years). American higher education system uses 30 educational credits per academic year, European "Bologna Process" recommends 60 educational credits per academic year (that are the same as 30 U.S. credits). Both systems are identical in the number of study hours; and Bologna Process only offers more credits with twice less hours assigned for each educational credit.


If you would ask us to use European educational approach based on the Bologna Process (completion of 60 educational credits in each “academic year”), then, Bachelor’s Degree must have 240 ECTS educational credits (the same as 120 credits in the U.S. system). These credits are representing four 'academic' years, but it is not equal to studies for four 'calendar' years. When student receives 240 educational credits (or 120 credits in the U.S. system) for Bachelor’s Degree, it is equal to completing FOUR ACADEMIC YEARS of studies, but in reality, if student spends more hours for studies, this student can complete FOUR ACADEMIC YEARS in TWO CALENDAR YEARS (sometimes even in shorter period). We cannot guarantee these deadlines, because student regulates own time.


Some students can graduate fast and some may need extended time. All studies are independent. Therefore, more hours you would spend for studies, sooner you can graduate. If you devote most of your free time for studies, you may complete program in accelerated manner.


Administrative fees are assessed for each ACADEMIC YEAR or PER PROGRAM. If you completed FOUR ACADEMIC YEARS in TWO CALENDAR YEARS, you are paying fees for FOUR ACADEMIC YEARS, or FOR THE PROGRAM (because many of our programs have fees assessed PER PROGRAM). Fees are the same, even if you will completed program in accelerated manner (because you need to collect the same number of credits that are equal to the same amount of work that our representatives must dedicate to each student).



  Question: What is the difference between academic year and calendar year?


See our answer above. See also pages:


"Educational Process"

"Educational Credits"



  Question: I never completed High School (secondary education), can I be admitted?


We have a High School equivalent classes/courses. You can take the remaining classes to complete your High School educational requirements and after that, you can enter into our professional education program, or into any degree program.


Please NOTE that we are offering only supplemental classes for the person that needs to complete High School educational requirements. For example, if you are missing a few courses from the original full-time High School located in your country and you are able to provide verifiable educational transcripts of all completed courses. We are not offering entire High School equivalency programs. We also are not accepting any partially completed High School that was performed "online" in questionable institutions.



  Question: What are the requirements related to High School (secondary education)?


We do have several requirements.


We are not accepting "online" High Schools due to significant proliferation of fake "High Schools", where diplomas are sold on the Internet without any studies. In some limited cases, we may accept Online High School (if it is well-known and legitimate High School), but all information will be subjected to verification and we would need to have all contact information for that institution.


Customary requirement applicable for High Schools is a completion of secondary education in the student's own country (or in the place of regular residence), full or part-time attendance in bona-fide locations offering day or evening classes.



  Question: Why are you asking for High School (secondary education) diploma?


Not only we are asking for the High School (secondary education, or equivalent) diploma, we also are asking for the transcript / academic record for your classes/courses. High School (secondary education, or equivalent) diploma never comes as a single document, but it always issued together with educational record.


It is an additional step for verification of the legitimacy of your previous education. Sometimes, we are receiving requests for the admission into graduate programs from the people that never completed secondary education. Therefore, we are trying to confirm each level of previous education. Secondary education is required for any Bachelor's or Associate degrees. For graduate programs we may have some exceptions (if documents are lost), when we are satisfied with documents issued for previous degrees.



  Question: Can I get 100% assurance from the U.S. Embassy in my country? 


We are not forcing anybody to be our student and we are not providing any guarantees (we only are providing guarantees that educational/academic degree will be based on educational efforts of student). You can select us, or you can select any other university (but there is no any other university that can provide more guarantees that we are providing).  


The U.S. Embassy in any country has nothing to do with any form of education. They are dealing only with political matters and never EDUCATIONAL. They also are not specialists in any educational affairs and cannot issue any official opinion, because educational affairs ARE NOT a part of their job description, neither a part of their expertise.


The U.S. Embassy in any country has no legal power to give any assurances regarding higher education in the United States (or in any country). Any Embassy representative ONLY can give his/her personal opinion that is based on the level of education, knowledge and intelligence of the person that gives personal opinion (and very often personal opinions are not correct). There is no guarantee that personal opinion has any legitimate value, because personal opinions only based on subjective feeling of the person that gives his/her personal opinion.


As a form of financial investments, the United States government is issuing educational loans for students studying in overpriced (high-costs) universities, therefore, any governmental representative, most likely only can suggest overpriced (high-costs) universities in the U.S.   


FURTHERMORE, not only any Embassy, even the United States government, has nothing to do with any form of higher education in the U.S., because U.S. government HAS NO LEGAL OR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO CONTROL ANY FORM OF HIGHER EDUCATION.  


NOBODY can give any guarantees (not even a single university). It is up to your government and your employer to accept your degree. This is why graduates are obtaining governmental certificates that are issued NOT by the U.S. Embassies, but by the United States government. See page “Documents Recognitions”  


See also pages:


What to expect

Our Accreditations

United States Department of Education

Accreditations in the United States 

Educational Affairs in the United States  



  Question: Are you accepting any Degrees?


We are not accepting any "degrees" received from so-called “universities”/places that are printing diplomas without any studies (or with some questionable "studies"). We only are considering degrees issued for real studies, where student’s knowledge reflected in the form of educational degree.


If student received somewhere a "degree" for the life experience (without studies), for us it is similar to no degree at all (because degrees obtained without studies are not the real degrees). If you have no educational degree, you can study in Holy State University, but you will be starting from Associate's or Bachelor's degree level.


Acceptance or rejection of any school or university is strictly under the discretion of our Admission Representatives. We are not obligated to provide any explanations if for some reasons we cannot accept your previous education or previous academic/educational degree.



  Question: Will you offer me a Degree?


Upon successful completion of educational program we will issue to student our standard educational degree.


  Question: How many years it takes to receive a Degree?


All studies are independent. Therefore, more hours you spend for studies, sooner you can graduate. “Academic year” can be described as a completion of the number of credits required for each academic year. “Calendar year” is 365 days and measured in days, not in number of required academic credits. If you devote most of your time for studies, you can potentially complete four academic years in two calendar years (sometimes even in shorter period). We cannot guarantee such deadlines, because student regulates own time. Some students can graduate fast, some may need extended time. See page: "Accelerated Studies"



  Question: I am paying administrative fees for each academic year or for each calendar year?


At present time, almost all our programs have fees "PER PROGRAM" and not for each academic year (fees are the same, even if you completed program in accelerated manner). This arrangement can be very useful for many students.


See page: "Costs of Education"


Student is not obligated to make full payments and can use easy payment plans



  Question: Why your fees are assessed "per program" or "per academic year" and not for each educational credit?


Answer is simple. Our costs are assessed per "educational program" because we are NOT charging fees for education and we have no tuition costs (as in other universities).


When university charges student for each educational credit, such university collects tuition costs (educational charges). Regular universities are not interested to charge student for each academic year (or per program) because when they are charging for each educational credit, they always are adding many other additional charges. Just to name a few additional fees that other universities are charging: early graduation fees, technology fees, campus fees, admission fees, credits processing fees, re-examination fees, documents processing fees, printing costs fees; and this list can continue probably for a few additional pages. It was described in educational "news" that one student was given a full scholarship for one year of studies (by the university located in the United States). This "full scholarship" was covering one year of so-called "free studies" (one year of "free education"). Unfortunately for the student, it was not a free education, because student that received this one year of "free education" needed to pay an additional $8000 in other fees (other fees that were applied for EACH year of studies in that university). For the student, it was expensive "free education" (university was charging each student not only "per-credit costs" but also about $8000 in many other additional fees).


Some universities in the United States are charging $2,800 only as an "enrollment fee" for some graduate programs and most graduate programs have costs $30,000 - $50,000 for each year of studies; and these costs can go up to $75,000 (for each year). Very similar costs are also applicable for undergraduate programs in many so-called “well-known universities”.



  Question: How can I study "Online"?


In our place, you are not studying “online”; it is just a literary expression. You are studying (according to curriculum offered to you) in your own home, by using your own books and you are sending to us (by e-mail) written summaries (detailed summaries / course thesis  / Educational Essays) of your studies. By examining your Educational Essays, we will know extent of your studies. We will issue proper number of educational credits after examination of your written study summaries. After the admission, we will provide more details. Preparation of written Essays can also improve your knowledge of English language.



  Question: I was reading your pages and I do not see program that I am interested to attend. Does this means that you are not offering this program?


When you are visiting our informational pages, you will see a list of programs that we are offering. General rule is that our lists are not all-inclusive. You may always request program and study subjects (courses) according to your needs, desire, experience and knowledge (we cannot guarantee acceptance of your request, but most likely, it would be granted). We also are offering "Self-Designed Programs" that are programs tailored to your personal needs. Costs are the same for the Regular and Self-designed programs.”



  Question: I would like to see curriculum for the desired program. Where I can see it?


Educational curriculum plans are representing a list of study disciplines that usually assigned for each semester or academic year. You may save your time and can stop looking for curriculums on our website.  


As you probably noticed, we are offering to each student greatest degree of freedom and expression. Our curriculums are custom-made and tailored to each student individually. Also, please note that our studies are independent, but we are controlling educational standards and quality of student’s work.  


Firstly, you need to be admitted.   


Education process starts with option given to student to use our suggested curriculum or to prepare own curriculum (not everybody can do it, but we are giving to students this opportunity). Obviously, we are not expecting professionally made curriculum; but it could be at least a list of desired disciplines prepared by the student (this way, student can include subjects that he/she prefers to learn).  


Another important reason for offering this option (to participate in preparation of studies’ curriculum) can be explained by the specifics of ONLINE education that is extended to people from different countries. Each country has own specifics and local universities (universities of student’s own country of residence) usually are offering some study areas (disciplines) that are not offered in other countries. It can be assumed that after graduation, each student is planning to work in his/her own country. When we are asking student to make a list of desired study subjects, we are assuming that he/she would investigate the most popular study disciplines commonly offered in universities of student’s own country. This way, education received by student would be similar to education offered in student’s own country.   


We will examine the list of disciplines (subjects of study) made by the student and we would apply all necessary corrections to make it equal to the international educational standards. Most definitely, plan prepared by student, probably will be listing only desired disciplines and we would be preparing complete curriculum plan for the student, taking into consideration plan made by the student.   


Making own curriculum is not obligatory, but only an optional approach. In any way, if student is admitted, student needs to tell us (in writing) his plans for professional career. After that, custom curriculum plan (a list of study disciplines) will be prepared reflecting educational and professional goals of each individual student. This is the reason for not posting study lists on our website.


Each admitted student will receive proposed curriculum. Our courses are similar to the courses offered in other similar programs in the United States (you also will have an ability to request additional courses that needed in your profession).



  Question: I would like pay in installments. Is this possible?


Please see page "Payment Plans"


Student will have flexible payment arrangements.



  Question: Will I receive an Admission Letter?


After the admission, you can request an Admission Letter. We are not giving Admission Letters unless you are admitted. All Admission Letters are sent by email. Admission only completed when all documents are accepted and the initial payment is received.

Please see page "Payment Plans"



  Question: I would like to use your “Admission Letter” as a reason to apply for the United States “student visa”. Will be this possible?


We are providing distant form of education and there is absolutely no need for student to be present in the United States for studies. See our answer to the similar question.


Any person can seek and can request travel visa from the United States Immigration Services, but we are not assisting in these endeavors. We are not a "travel agency" and students in Distant Education programs are NOT eligible to obtain "student visa" for the U.S., based on the admission into distant studies program. Only students in regular programs [that are based on the classroom studies] can request "student visa"; and in addition to that, person requesting "student visa" must demonstrate that he/she has funds to cover costs for one year of studies and all living expenses (it is our guess only, because we are not involved in any visa affairs). Each person needs to deal with the U.S. Immigration Services and and WE ARE NOT SPONSORING ANY VISA APPLICATIONS.



  Question: What is your university ranking?


We are small religiously managed university that is not participating in any secular (non-religious) “rankings” or “ratings”. University ranking is nothing more, but just a form of advertisement where people are creating rankings (very often) based on the fact how much university paid for that "ranking". If you are looking for highest ratings and rankings, we would suggest to explore possibility of entering into $60,000 per year program in the most expensive university. Most expensive programs are more prestigious and not because such programs are better, but only because they collect more monies from students to run advertising and self-promoting campaigns.


Most likely, we can be ranked as THE BEST UNIVERSITY because we are the most convenient and most affordable university that is not supported by any government.


Most likely, we can be ranked as THE UNIVERSITY WITH LOWEST COSTS or THE MOST AFFORDABLE UNIVERSITY because we have the low and the most affordable educational costs.



  Question: How can I send to your administrative fee?


See pages:


"Costs for Education"


"Payment Center"


"Installment Payments"



  Question: What is the NEXT step?


Sometimes we are observing people that are engaging our representatives into endless discussions. We can appreciate personal curiosity, but we also have no ability to allow engagement of our representatives into long discussions with people that probably would never be our students.


As the next step, we can suggest reading each page on our website. All answers to the most questions that people are asking are already posted on our pages (you only need to read it).


We cannot go into educational details before person is admitted and we are not discussing educational plans (curriculums), and educational strategies with people that are not admitted.


We also believe that person that is not capable to read simple pages (or has no desire to do it), most likely is not ready for independent studies (and not ready to be our student).


 See our pages "What to Expect"


 See our page "Educational Plans"


 See our page "Educational Costs"


 See our page "Payment Plans"



  Question: Why your domain name ends with .org and not .edu?


Many people are confused about meaning of these indicators (generic top-level domain identifier) and are assuming that educational institution must have a web address ending with .EDU. These assumptions are incorrect.


Firstly, it is obvious that not every university or institution of education would use ".EDU" for very simple reason; it is only a personal choice of any institution. There are no any rules or regulations about the use of .ORG, .EDU, or any other generic top-level domain identifier.


The domain name extension .ORG is a generic top-level domain extension of the Domain Name System (DNS) used in the Internet system. The name is truncated from word “organization”. It was one of the original domain extensions established in 1985 and operated by the Public Interest Registry since 1988. This domain extension was originally created for non-profit organizations of a non-commercial character, but this designation no longer exists and today it is commonly used by schools, open-source projects, and communities as well as by for-profit entities.


UNIVERSITY is always the ORGANIZATION of the administrators, staff members and students; therefore, .ORG is more suitable for our organizational structure. We also are religious (operating under Religious Authority) and NOT for profit educational organization.


Secondly, EDU initially (during development of the Internet) originated in the United States to identify institutions providing educational services (and controlled by the U.S. organization that has no any educational background). At that time, domain names had restrictions in the number of letters/characters; therefore, with limitation of characters in the domain name, many educational institutions were not able to identify institution as an educational entity.


At the initial stage of the Internet development, .EDU was a valuable addition to the domain name to identify educational institution. Universities were abbreviating their names in the form of initial letters and .EDU addition was letting people searching the Internet to know that website belongs to the educational institution. It was only a form of convenience when .EDU was originally created.


Our domain name already has word “university” and there is no need for additional identifiers.


We are the International University that is open for people from any part of the World. We are the Worldwide University and we have no desire to be characterized as the university submitting its own authority to some organization that has no any educational background or any educational authority. As the Independent International Educational Establishment, we are NOT the political subordinates of the United States and obviously, we would not be using any domains with .EDU extension (extension that is controlled by the politically motivated U.S. organization that is attempting to make their own "rules" for institutions that want to use their .EDU extension).



If you have additional questions:


You can send to us us electronic mail with details of your questions. Please check each page on our web site before asking additional questions; and you may find answers to almost all potential questions.




Applicant Questionnaire

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 What you must expect 

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theological studies
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canon law
religious education


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